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  • Finn's avatar
    authz · dffe9465
    Finn authored
    * endpoints and webui to:
      * create/update/delete policy documents that grant permissions on resources in the system
      * assign policies to API keys or users
    * policies are stored in keto, which can be queried quickly when a request is made for something that requires a particular permission
    * corresponding changes in common and egcli facilitate generating openapi servers that perform permission checks before calling request handlers
      * the generated server in this repo has been updated
    * this change adds a database requirement to this service, currently just for tracking some policy metadata that can't be stored in or queried from Keto
    * keto requires a file describing all possible object types and what permissions these can be
      * ./cmd/keto-sidecar can generate that currently, although the specifics of deployment have not been fully worked out
    * all object types and permissions are currently hard-coded. This will need to be dynamic, waiting on creation of an extension management service before that can happen
    Finn authored
    * endpoints and webui to:
      * create/update/delete policy documents that grant permissions on resources in the system
      * assign policies to API keys or users
    * policies are stored in keto, which can be queried quickly when a request is made for something that requires a particular permission
    * corresponding changes in common and egcli facilitate generating openapi servers that perform permission checks before calling request handlers
      * the generated server in this repo has been updated
    * this change adds a database requirement to this service, currently just for tracking some policy metadata that can't be stored in or queried from Keto
    * keto requires a file describing all possible object types and what permissions these can be
      * ./cmd/keto-sidecar can generate that currently, although the specifics of deployment have not been fully worked out
    * all object types and permissions are currently hard-coded. This will need to be dynamic, waiting on creation of an extension management service before that can happen