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preliminary metadata server

Finn requested to merge feature/metadata into master

This is a preliminary implementation of a metadata server. I have not yet looked into how to expose it at

There are a couple of new things here:

  • Another HTTP server with a separately configurable bind address. There is a piece of middleware that will run before each request that looks up the libvirt domain that made the request, and add it to the request context.
  • Support for connecting to a vault server.
  • Endpoint /vault/inject-app-role causes an AppRole to be generated and injected into the VM via the qemu-guest-agent.
  • Endpoint /cloud-init/user-data returns the domain's "description" field. It is intended to be read by cloud-init.
  • Endpoint /cloud-init/meta-data returns the domain's hostname and UUID. It is intended to be read by cloud-init.
  • The instance creation XML now includes the qemu command line arguments so that cloud-init will connect to the metadata server. Requires setting CloudInitSeed config option to the full URL of the metadata server at path /cloud-init.

Merge request reports
