Initial client implementation (rhyzomectl)
I took a stab at a CLI client. It has lots to be desired but will help me write fewer crazy curl commands.
Some sample usage:
$ rhyzomectl
Rhyzome is a free/libre cloud computing platform, aimed at being less
shitty than the others. So far it has not succeeded.
rhyzomectl can be used to interact with rhyzome servers. Wouldn't it be nice
if there was some documentation here? When you figure out whatever it is you
came here to figure out, maybe you should update this string!
rhyzomectl [command]
Available Commands:
instance Commands to access instances
-h, --help help for rhyzomectl
-s, --server string The remote rhyzome host to use
Use "rhyzomectl [command] --help" for more information about a command.
$ rhyzomectl help instance
rhyzomectl instance [flags]
rhyzomectl instance [command]
Available Commands:
create Create a new instance
list List all instances on this server
Global Flags:
-s, --server string The remote rhyzome host to use
Use "rhyzomectl instance [command] --help" for more information about a command.
$ rhyzomectl -s instance
$ rhyzomectl --server instance create --name sample-instance --base-image debian --disk 25
2020/05/03 01:30:38 started
2020/05/03 01:30:38 Connecting to libvirt
2020/05/03 01:30:39 Creating volume
2020/05/03 01:30:39 Downloading base image
2020/05/03 01:34:25 Creating domain
2020/05/03 01:34:25 Booting domain
2020/05/03 01:34:27 Domain booted
2020/05/03 01:34:27 completed
Edited by Finn